Software Research, Inc. believes that high-quality products and services empower our customers to be successful. We work in partnership with top- level managers, developers and QA organizations to assist them in meeting their product goals. To that end, we deliver industry-leading products, educational seminars, product training and technical support.

With SR's broad suite of products, our customers continually enhance their QA process, reduce costs and schedule overruns, and improve overall product quality. Software Research continues to expand its product offerings to cover more testing and quality assurance functions than ever before. In doing this, Software Research has continuously broken new ground - for example, it was the first company to supply commercially available capture/playback systems, and the first to supply coverage analyzers for C and C++.


Software has become an increasingly critical component for most businesses. It is used in everything from answering a telephone to managing a business, and its uses continue to grow.

Software engineering initially focused on improving productivity: How to build more software faster? This has led to millions of lines of code being written over the past ten years.

Now, as software has become an integral part of the success of a business, the focus has expanded beyond creating software faster to ensuring that the software works. Quality has become and will remain a critical component of all software projects. Users will no longer put up with poor quality software, and businesses can not afford to operate with unstable software. The only way to ensure quality in software is to establish and follow a quality assurance plan and employ solid testing techniques. Software Research provides the tools necessary to implement a sound testing program throughout the software development life-cycle. With the broadest range of testing products available today, SR is the right choice for companies serious about delivering high quality software.

Software Research, Inc., is a California corporation headquartered in San Francisco, California.

Telephone: 415-957-1441 1800-942-soft

Fax: 415-957-0730
